
Our Home Meal Replacement (HMR) -series got even better this year. The trays are now made from completely renewable and compostable sugar cane fibers, with only a thin plastic lamination to maintain strong grease and wet resistance. Compared to con-ventional trays, our HMR-trays con-tains 90 % less plastic, but is equally functional and resistant. Apart from greener and better ingre-diencies, the trays are packed with other excellent features:

• Stackable
• OK Compost Industrial-certified trays
• OK Compost Home-certified lids
• Can be heated in oven and microwave
• Can be refrigerated for up to days

Duniform is a sealing concept as much as a complete concept for any-one working with food – both fresh and prepared meals. From packag-ing and sealing to transportation and customer experience, Duniform helps you along the way. The key values for Duniform are sustainability, quality, and hygiene and together with com-panies all over the world, we are a part of a green development – one package at a time.

By retaining the classic HMR design, we have made it easier for you to switch to a more environmentally friendly tray that minimizes your cli-mate impact. Seal the trays with ei-ther Bio-, PET-, or Universal film or matching HMR lids.

BioPak’s main ambition is to devel-op the most environmentally friendly disposable items on the market, and thereby make it easier for people to choose better products. Having this ambition makes product develop-ment one of our most crucial func-tions. We are constantly examining ourselves and other products on the market to see how we can make them even better. The new HMR fiber-series is an example of our evaluation pro-cess, where a good product is made even better.

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